Ultra Violet is the colour of the year with sunny yellow playing the supporting roll. Pantone released their forecast for ultra violet being the colour of the year, this means from clothing to soft furnishings to jewellery to hair colour you will see ultra violet everywhere.
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It's a very vibrant colour, and perfect for bold fine jewellery designs. Ultra violet as pantone said is the embodiment of where we want to be right now, the inventiveness, what lies beyond, it's the colour trends of the cosmos - a lot for anything to shoulder - never mind a colour! But while we, or I, might scoff, you can't help but notice that violet is creeping along the high street and gathering pace.
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Yellow by contrast, in all its brilliant variations, from mustard to canary yellow, the bright and sunny colour was splashed across all the runways from London to Milan - this is the colour predicted by the fashion industry to be a major trend that will last not only for the next two seasons but autumn/winter 2018/19 too. Yellow is so versatile, it's its bright canary hue it's wonderfully bold - but butter tones or mustard can be worn by even the shyest of customers. Again, the mood for yellow cannot be missed, from jewellery to clothing to cushions to even a few cars - mellow yellow is certainly my 2018 colour of choice!
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