Sotheby's New York Spring Jewellery Auction raised $34 Million, with a rare 3.47-Carat Fancy Intense Blue Diamond Ring soaring to an amazing $6.7 million, which sets a new record for the price per carat obtained at auction.
Photo Credit: Sotheby's
Top prices were paid for important diamonds with the auction concluding with a combined total of $34 million and a strong 83.3% of all lots sold. Gary Schuler, Chairman of Sotheby's Jewellery Division, Americas commented:
Our results affirm that the auction market continues to flex its strength in top-quality diamonds, important gemstones and jewels with distinguished provenance. We are proud to continue the long line of exceptional blue diamonds at Sotheby's, with the sale of the Fancy Intense Blue diamond, that soared to $6.7 million after competition from three bidders. Online bidding and buying also contributed significantly to our total, including the historic Emerald and Diamond Necklace by Tiffany & Co. formerly in the collection of Betsey Cushing Whitney, which we were honoured to auction again 20 years after the original sale of her collection.
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