As life opens up around us - likely bringing with it new freedoms and busier social calendars - many of us will be feeling inspired to return to 'normality'. There will undoubtedly be a desire to have new experiences and reward ourselves with new things; perhaps we'll be updating our wardrobes, treating ourselves to new items of clothing and jewellery once again.

But many of us will be inclined to choose a less hurried and more considered pace of life this summer, opting for enduring pleasure over disposable gratification. So can we still live meaningfully and thoughtfully, even as the world around us starts to turn a little faster?

Slowing down

There's no denying that life has been a little different lately. Not too long ago, we lived quickly and distractedly, rushing from one event to the next, amassing material goods and then disposing of them without much thought along the way. Even our jewellery was buy-cheap, wear-out and move on. But in the space of a few short months, all that's changed.

Told to stay at home, we began to appreciate the things we used to take for granted - from birdsong to loose-leaf tea - and the moments that really mattered. And forced to find our fun in the great outdoors, we've started to notice the little things around us in nature that make life beautiful.

Our previously frantic and hurried lives have been stopped in their tracks as we've been compelled to slow down and take stock. We've had to enjoy what we already have, instead of acquiring new possessions - and in doing so, we've learned that the old adage was right: less is indeed more. It feels better, doesn't it?

Taking our time

Taking a more considered approach has always been at the essence of what I do in my work as a gem-buyer and jeweller. As a family business with a long and deeply personal history in fine gems, we've always believed selecting stones and making beautiful jewellery can't be rushed.

Take the next step

If you like the idea of having a piece of jewellery lovingly made to your individual requirements and want to know more, get in touch. Hit the contact me button below and I'll be happy to walk (not run) you through the process.

Contact Me